Chapter 75- "Shattered Expectations"

The rally ground buzzed with excitement as crowds gathered to hear Ajinkya Gaikawad and his son, Abhay Singh Gaikwad, speak. The father-son duo had united their considerable influence to support Mrityunjay in the upcoming elections. Their motive was clear: securing the Gaikawad family’s dominance and pushing Mrityunjay to the top as the next Chief Minister.

Ajinkya, dressed in his usual crisp white kurta, adjusted the mic as he began addressing the crowd. His deep, authoritative voice commanded attention.

"Brothers and sisters," Ajinkya’s voice boomed, "our state stands at the brink of change. And that change comes with one name—Mrityunjay. A man of vision, strength, and relentless dedication. We all know no one else is fit to lead our people."

Abhay, standing beside his father, nodded in agreement. His youthful energy complemented Ajinkya’s experience, and together, they were a formidable force. After his father spoke, Abhay took the stage, his tone sharp and filled with conviction.

"We have seen what weak leadership does, our whole clan spent their lives to serve and work for the betterment of the people of the state." Abhay said, his eyes scanning the crowd. "Our state needs a lion, someone who can make decisions that will benefit not only the wealthy but every common man here. And who better than Mrityunjay? But let’s be clear," he paused, his eyes narrowing, "supporting him isn’t just about him winning—it’s about ensuring that the Gaikawads remain the undisputed power of this state. No one—no outsider—will ever take what belongs to us."

The crowd roared in approval, chanting Mrityunjay's name. For the Gaikawads, this election wasn’t just about party politics—it was about family pride and ensuring their legacy remained untouchable.

Later, back in the campaign office, Ajinkya and Abhay sat together, discussing the day’s events.

"Pitaji, the momentum is with us," Abhay said confidently, pouring himself a glass of water. "Mrityunjay’s popularity alone will carry this election, but we need to keep our base energized."

Ajinkya nodded slowly, his fingers tapping the table. "True, Mrityunjay has the people’s support. But it’s more than just winning—this is about sending a message. No one outside the Gaikawad name will ever sit in the CM's office without our blessing."

Abhay smirked, leaning back in his chair. "Exactly. And by aligning with Mrityunjay, we ensure our dominance. His victory is our victory. The power stays in our hands."

Ajinkya’s eyes gleamed with pride. "Once Mrityunjay is Chief Minister, our family will hold influence beyond anyone’s reach. No one will dare challenge us, not in our own home. The Gaikawads will be untouchable."

Abhay chuckled softly, "No one can defeat us here, Pitaji. It’s only a matter of time before Mrityunjay takes office, and when he does, it will be because we paved the way."

Ajinkya leaned forward, his voice firm. **"Let’s make sure this happens, Abhay. The Gaikawad name must be synonymous with power, now and forever."

As they both stood up, the resolve in their eyes was clear. For them, this election wasn’t just about Mrityunjay—it was about solidifying their family’s hold on the state, ensuring no one could rise without their approval. The Gaikawads were ready to make history.

They exchanged a determined nod before heading back into the crowd, rallying the supporters once again, their minds laser-focused on their shared goal—to ensure Mrityunjay became the next CM.


Mythili stepped out of MG Corp, spotting Vidyut’s car parked nearby. He got out as she approached, his expression unreadable.

"Mythili," he called out, his voice cool, but not harsh. 

“Sir? You here?”

“Yes, I wanted to meet you and talk something important.” Mythili thought for sometime but agreed

"Come,”he asked

“Where Sir?”

“In my penthouse. Then I’ll drive you home." 

Surprised by his tone, she hesitated for a moment before nodding. She quietly slipped into the passenger seat. As they drove, Vidyut remained silent, focused on the road, but there was no tension—just an air of calm detachment.

They arrived at his penthouse, and Mythili noticed another car parked in the driveway. Vidyut opened the door for her, gesturing inside.

When they entered, Mythili saw Sakshi seated on the couch, a warm smile on her face. “Mythili! You’re finally here. I was hoping to see you.”

Surprised but relieved by Sakshi’s welcoming tone, Mythili smiled softly. “I didn’t expect you to be here. ”

Sakshi stood up and approached her with open arms. “Vidyut thought you might need a break. And I couldn’t agree more. We’ve both been worried about you.”

Mythili glanced at Vidyut, who gave a small nod, the coolness in his eyes fading. Feeling comforted, Mythili relaxed, appreciating their concern.


Vidyut paced back and forth in the room, his frustration evident as he confronted Mythili. His eyes were sharp, but there was something in his expression that showed he was more concerned than angry. Mythili sat quietly, her hands clasped together, head lowered.

"Why didn’t you tell me?" Vidyut asked, his voice tense. **"You let Mrityunjay blackmail you, under my watch, under my nose?, and you didn’t say a word. You’re smarter than that, Mythili."she closed her eyes anticipating his behavior.

Mythili’s lips trembled as she finally looked up at him, tears welling up in her eyes. "Vidyut Sir, it wasn’t that simple," she whispered, her voice breaking. "I… I didn’t want to involve anyone. This is my mess and I am the main culprit. I thought I could handle it."

Vidyut clenched his fists, trying to control his emotions. "Handle it? By letting him control your life? Do you have any idea how much mental stress you were in?"

Mythili shook her head, tears slipping down her cheeks. "I didn’t know what to do. I was scared, Sir. He targeted you and company just because I denied."

The room fell silent as Mythili’s words hung in the air. Vidyut’s anger slowly dissipated as he saw the vulnerability in her eyes. She wasn’t the strong, composed woman he was used to seeing. Sakshi went to her seat and sat near her console. Right now, she was broken, and it struck a chord deep within him. Sakshi looked at Vidyut to calm down and went to fetch water

"Mythili…" Vidyut’s voice softened, his heart aching at the sight of her distress. "Why didn’t you trust me? Baccha! Mrityunjay did that only to scare you and you did."

She wiped her eyes, her voice barely above a whisper. "Would you have judged me if I cried in front of you, Sir? If I let you see me like this—weak and afraid?"

Vidyut’s heart clenched at her words. Without thinking, he closed the distance between them and pulled her into a tight embrace. His arms wrapped around her, holding her close as she broke down completely in a brotherly manner. The floodgates opened, and Mythili sobbed against his chest, her body shaking with each cry.

"Mythili," he whispered into her hair, his voice gentle, "you don’t have to hide from me. You never have to hide."

Her hands clutched at his shirt as if holding on for dear life. "I’m so tired," she cried. "I’ve been carrying this weight for so long… I don’t know how much longer I can do this."

“Baccha. I can’t ever judge you.”

Vidyut held her tighter, feeling her pain as if it were his own. "You don’t have to do this alone anymore. I’m here. I’ll always be here."

But before she could respond, Mythili’s body went limp in his arms, her breathing shallow. "Mythili?" Vidyut’s heart raced with fear. "Mythili!" Sakshi came running with water and saw her unconscious state.

“What happened, Vidyut?”

“Don’t know Sakshi! Let’s take her to the hospital.”

He scooped her up, panic rising in his chest as he rushed her to the nearest hospital. Every second felt like an eternity as he waited outside the doctor’s office, his mind racing. He had never seen Mythili like this, so vulnerable, so fragile.

After what felt like hours, the doctor emerged, his face serious. "Mr. Vidyut," the doctor began, “I knew it this would happen.”

“What happened to her?” Sakshi asked holding Vidyut’s hand, curiosity itched ehr face anticipating the upcoming disaster

“Sever headache of brain hemorrhage.”

Vidyut froze, his mind unable to process the words. **"A brain hemorrhage?" he repeated,”it’s a pain attack!” his voice was barely audible.

The doctor nodded gravely. "It’s in a delicate state, and the pressure is affecting her. This could explain why she’s been feeling so weak and emotionally unstable. I’m afraid her condition is serious."

Vidyut’s world tilted on its axis. The weight of the revelation crashed down on him, and everything began to make sense—why Mythili had been so desperate, why she had worked for Mrityunjay without telling anyone. She had been fighting a battle inside her own mind.

He swallowed hard, his voice hoarse as he asked, "How long… how long has this been going on?"Sakshi sat with a thud fear coarse in her eyes

"It’s difficult to say, but from what she described during our initial tests, it’s likely been progressing for some time. She may not have known." The doctor’s voice was calm but carried the weight of the situation.

Vidyut’s heart broke. Mythili had been suffering, silently, and he had no idea. He quickly pulled out his phone and called Sakshi, who was sitting stunned. "Sakshi, It’s Mythili right? Am I hearing wrong? She is just 25..Sakshi she is just 25."

Sakshi’s panic was evident on the other end. "What happened? Nothing happened. This doctor has fake degrees it seems. I am gonna sue this hospital for hiring such doctors. Mythili okay? Hai na Vidyut?"

"You are right, we will take her to another hospital," Vidyut said, his voice thick with emotion before keeping up.

Sakshi was breathless and terrified. She rushed to Vidyut, her eyes wide with fear. "What’s going on, Vidyut? What happened to Mythili?" fear , anxiousness and nerve wrenching pain shooting inside her. The girl who merely see world.

Vidyut explained everything, his voice shaky with the weight of the news. "She’s been suffering from a brain hemorrhage, Sakshi. That’s why she’s been acting so strange lately. That’s why she's agreed to save me, to work for Mrityunjay to be near him."

Sakshi’s hands flew to her mouth, her eyes filling with tears. "Oh my God… Mythili."

The two of them entered Mythili’s room, where she lay pale and fragile on the hospital bed. Her eyes fluttered open, and she saw them standing there, their expressions filled with concern and fear.

"Mythili," Sakshi whispered, taking her hand. "Why didn’t you tell us? Why didn’t you say anything?"

Mythili looked up at them, her eyes heavy with exhaustion and pain. "I didn’t want you to worry," she said softly. "I didn’t want anyone to know."

Vidyut knelt beside her, his voice raw with emotion. "Mythili, you don’t have to fight this alone anymore. We’re here. We’ll fight this with you. I will arrange.."

But Mythili shook her head, tears slipping down her face. "No, Vidyut Sir… please… instead promise me something."

"Anything," Vidyut said, his voice breaking.

Mythili took a deep breath, gathering her strength. "Promise me… that you won’t tell anyone about this. I don’t want anyone to know about my condition. Not yet."

Sakshi frowned, her voice trembling. "Mythili, you can’t keep this a secret. You need help."

"Please," Mythili begged, her voice fragile. **"This is my last wish. Let me handle this on my terms. Promise me."

“Shut up! You are not alone in this. I will arrange doctors and you will be fine.”Vidyut fought

“It’s my own way to get away from here. I want to meet my mother Sir. My state is worse. Don’t know if I can make it next time or not.”

“Stop this nonsense Mythili.”Saskhi shouted 

“I want to rest and this is my only way to get that. My time is over here but before that I want to see everyone happy. Am I asking fortune?”

Vidyut and Sakshi exchanged a glance, both hearts heavy with emotion. Finally, Vidyut nodded, his eyes filled with tears. "I promise, Mythili. We won’t tell anyone. But we’re not leaving your side. Not for a second."

Mythili closed her eyes, relief washing over her as she whispered, "Thank you."

The room fell into a heavy silence, as both Vidyut and Sakshi sat by her side, vowing to protect her secret and stand by her as she faced the darkest battle of her life.


Mrityunjay sat in his office, eyes focused on the screen in front of him. A video conference was underway with Ajinkya, Abhay Singh, and a few party members. They were deep into discussions about the upcoming campaign strategies, numbers, and political maneuvering. His posture was calm, collected as he listened to the flow of conversation. 

Ajinkya was speaking, his tone serious. "Mrityunjay, we need to finalize the alliance before the end of the month. The opposition is already—"

A soft notification buzz interrupted the flow of the meeting. Mrityunjay’s phone screen lit up with an alert. Instinctively, his eyes flickered to the message. A name caught his attention: Mythili. His heart stopped for a second. His jaw clenched tightly, and the grip on his pen grew tighter as he read the brief update on her condition.

Without missing a beat, he abruptly raised his hand, cutting off Ajinkya. "Hold the meeting," Mrityunjay’s voice was firm, but there was an underlying tension, a storm brewing beneath his calm exterior.

The screen went silent as everyone paused. Ajinkya blinked, confused by the interruption. “Mrityunjay, is everything—”

“I said hold the meeting," he repeated sharply, his eyes narrowing. Without waiting for a response, he muted the call, pushing away from his desk. He immediately pressed his phone call button, his voice low and deadly. "Shlok. Now."

Within seconds, Shlok took the call, sensing the change in atmosphere. Mrityunjay stood, his back to window, shoulders tense.


Mrityunjay didn’t beat around the bush. "Why wasn’t I informed about Mythili’s condition? Or her whereabouts?"

Shlok blinked, clearly unprepared for the sudden shift. “Sir, we—"

"Don’t lie to me, Shlok," Mrityunjay snapped, finally turning to face him. His eyes burned with barely contained rage. "She’s been admitted to the hospital again, and I’m hearing about this through a notification? Vidyut didn’t tell me. He told her something. Something that worsened her condition."

"Sir, we didn’t have all the details until—"

"Details?" Mrityunjay’s voice cut through the air like a blade. He stepped closer to Shlok, towering over his own chair. "You’re supposed to be on top of this! You think I don’t know what Vidyut is capable of? If he told her the truth, that could have destroyed her!"

Shlok swallowed, choosing his words carefully. "Sir, we’re looking into what happened. Vidyut was the last person to see her before she collapsed. He took her to hospital But the doctors have things under control."

"Under control?" Mrityunjay echoed, his voice soft but menacing. "She’s in a hospital bed. How is that under control?"

Shlok stood silently, unable to meet his gaze.

"Arrange a meeting with her doctors immediately," Mrityunjay ordered, his voice hard as steel. "I want every single report on her recovery progress. Every detail. I want to know why she’s there again and what that bastard Vidyut told her."

"Yes, sir," Shlok nodded, already reaching for his phone to make the calls.

Mrityunjay stared out of the window, his mind racing. Mythili’s fragile condition, Vidyut’s secrets—it all pointed to one thing: Vidyut had crossed a line.

“Shlok,” he called again, without looking back.

“Yes, sir?”

"Make sure no one gets close to her. Not Vidyut, not anyone. If anything happens to her..." He didn’t finish the sentence, but the threat hung in the air, thick and heavy.

Shlok nodded, already understanding the weight of those unspoken words. "Understood, sir."

With a final, tense breath, Mrityunjay returned to his desk, his focus shifting entirely to Mythili’s wellbeing.

“You messed up at the wrong time, Vidyut. You need my special visit.”

Mrityunjay resumed the meeting only to announce “I am coming back.”and shut the laptop.

I am coming back Birdie, no one can come between us, although if they chose to erase their existence.


Kavya sat at her desk, her fingers drumming impatiently as she opened the file handed to her moments ago. As her eyes scanned the first few lines, her expression darkened. Her jaw clenched, and her hands gripped the edges of the file tighter.

With each page she turned, her anger grew. The contents inside were not what she had expected—far from it. It was a betrayal, a blatant disregard for her efforts. Her eyes flickered with fiery rage, the anger bubbling up until she couldn’t contain it any longer.

With a sharp breath, Kavya stood up abruptly, the chair scraping against the floor. In one swift motion, she flung the file across the room. It hit the wall with a loud thud, papers spilling out in disarray.

Her chest heaved as she stood there, fists clenched. "How dare you?," she hissed, her voice low and dangerous.

“This is gonna be more twisted and enjoyable.”

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raina sweet_honey

Hi, I'm Raina! I'm an online writer passionate about crafting stories that blend fantasy, romance, and mature themes. My love for reading and music often inspires my writing, and I'm always eager to learn new words to enhance my storytelling. Join me on my journey as I bring my characters and their adventures to life. Let's explore magical worlds and heartfelt moments together!