Chapter 1: The Haunting Prelude

In the eerie darkness that blanketed the desolate street, a young girl in her early twenties raced towards the road. The feeble glow of the streetlights failed to penetrate the ominous shadows. An inexplicable chaos seemed to envelop her, and despite her frantic efforts, she found no solace in the seemingly deserted surroundings.

The air was thick with tension as she reached the airport, her breaths labored from the harrowing run. Yet, even amidst the pandemonium, her desperate search for a taxi proved futile. The disarray that had unfolded left her grappling with unmet desires.

As she traversed the dimly lit street, the only sounds resonating were the eerie creaking of branches and the unsettling shuffle of unseen footsteps through the debris-strewn path. Her heart pounded in sync with the haunting symphony of leaves rustling, disturbing the tranquility of the night. The moon, concealed behind ominous clouds, added to the disquiet, and the girl strained her eyes to discern her surroundings.

Amidst the disconcerting darkness, she sensed a mysterious rustling, her heartbeat quickening in anticipation. Tears mingled with sweat as fear clenched at her. Her weary feet threatened to betray her when, at last, a glimmer of hope emerged. A faint headlight pierced the obscurity, reflecting off the street. A fleeting smile adorned her face as she stood, a lone figure in the desolate street.

The car screeched to a halt when she leaped in front of it. A robust, irate man emerged, his frustration palpable after narrowly avoiding a collision.

"Are you a crazy girl? Why the hell did you jump in front of my car? If you want to die, venture into the forest; by morning, fear will take your life," he bellowed at the reckless girl.

Timidly, she took a step back, only to summon the courage to extend her hand, offering a handful of dollars. The man scowled at the unexpected gesture.

"P-Please, t-take this and drop me at the airport," she stammered, her eyes pleading. The man scrutinized her disheveled appearance, questioning the purpose of a seemingly homeless girl at the airport.

"Who are you?" he inquired.

"I...I am," the girl faltered, her dry lips betraying her anxiety. The man's gaze softened, prompting him to retrieve a water bottle from the car.

"Have it. Now tell me, what are you doing alone on this street? Where are your parents?" Concern laced his voice as the girl began to sob.

"Please, I can't tell you anything. Take this money and drop me at the airport. I got separated from my parents. They're going to another city, and I need to reach the airport to find them," she implored.

The man, still perplexed, reprimanded, "Can't you stay with your parents? They might be searching for you."

"Please help me, SIR!" she sobbed, melting the man's resolve. He sighed and motioned for her to sit in the car, suppressing his curiosity about the incongruity between her appearance and her distressing situation.

As they drove towards the airport, an uneasy feeling settled in the man's gut. The girl's explanation didn't align with her battered appearance. Scratches adorned her hands and temple, revealing a tale of struggle in the unforgiving night.

"How did you get these wounds?" the man asked again, noticing the girl's discomfort. She stiffened, avoiding eye contact, and muttered, "I was lost in the forest. While trying to find my way, I got scratched in the darkness."

Compassion welled up in the man as he realized the girl's vulnerability. Sensing her distress, he gently shifted the conversation.

"You don't share your name, little princess?" he inquired with a softness that momentarily eased her turmoil.

"S...Sc...Scarlet Jose," she whispered, almost inaudible. The man smiled appreciatively, "It's a beautiful name for a girl like you."

Suddenly, he slammed on the brakes, the screeching halt accompanied by his piercing scream. The car collided with a tree trunk, leaving the man bleeding profusely from his head. Scarlet, shocked and numb, gazed at the unfolding tragedy. After several attempts, the man regained consciousness.

Scarlet, still trembling, exclaimed, "What happened, sir? There's so much blood on your forehead!"

"Yeah, it hurts. While driving, I saw something on the car glass, and this happened. Don't worry, dear, first aid is in the boot. I'll clean my wound later. First, I need to check the car," he reassured, seemingly undeterred by the gory turn of events.

As the man inspected the car, Scarlet waited anxiously. Time stretched, and her unease heightened. Eventually, she ventured out, only to be met with an ominous silence. The man's prolonged absence prompted her to explore.

Fifteen minutes had elapsed, and still, no sign of the man. Scarlet, increasingly distressed, stepped out of the car. A faint rustling emanated from the forest, but the wind remained eerily still. Despite the unsettling atmosphere, she pressed on.

Suddenly, she stumbled upon a horrifying sight. A creature was feasting on the remains of the man. Scarlet recoiled in terror, a guttural scream escaping her lips. Panic set in, and she fled into the forest, tears streaming down her face.

As she ran, the distant sounds of hounds and rustling leaves intensified. Scarlet, propelled by fear, sprinted relentlessly. Her bloodied feet carried her through the unforgiving terrain. Eventually, another road emerged, offering a glimmer of hope. With newfound energy, she sprinted towards the lights and moving cars.

Approaching the road, a sense of relief washed over her. However, her elation was short-lived as a sudden tug on her top yanked her back. The same creature that had claimed the man now gripped her, its menacing presence casting a shadow over her escape.

In a desperate struggle, Scarlet managed to strike the creature's head. A scream of agony pierced the air as its bloodied hand grazed her arm. Taking advantage of the moment, she broke free and raced towards the road. 

Her heart pounding, Scarlet almost reached safety when the creature, relentless and formidable, grabbed her blood-soaked foot. In a brutal jerk, she was thrown onto the road, colliding with a passing car. Darkness enveloped her as pain and unconsciousness took hold.

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raina sweet_honey

Hi, I'm Raina! I'm an online writer passionate about crafting stories that blend fantasy, romance, and mature themes. My love for reading and music often inspires my writing, and I'm always eager to learn new words to enhance my storytelling. Join me on my journey as I bring my characters and their adventures to life. Let's explore magical worlds and heartfelt moments together!